Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So far we've discussed the first two sections of a well crafted Executive Summary: The Problem and The Solution. Next in line is the section we call The Business Model.

The Business Model section of your Summary should explain to the reader how and when your cash register is going to ring. It should explain who the actual paying customer is and your best assumption as to how frequently they will buy from you. You should explain the different ways you make money and drive revenue into the business. For example, in the health club business, club members pay a monthly or annual fee that may be automatically deducted from their preferred bank account. Additionally, clubs may have other revenue streams such as value added services that may include massage and spa treatments. They also may have a snack bar that creates an additional source of revenue.

Resist the urge to write a 2 page explanation of your Model here. The Summary should be just that...a Summary.

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