Thursday, June 18, 2009


In my previous post, I discussed the section of your Executive Summary where you clarify to the investor what problem you are solving in the marketplace. The next critical piece is your Solution. In this section you should be specific but brief about what you are offering and to whom. This section should depict the essence and energy of your business because this is where you sell yourself to investors. Clearly depict your product or service with commonly used terms to state concretely what you have, or what you do, that solves the problem you identified in the previous section. You should avoid using jargon or acronyms that don't mean anything to most people. You may also want to clarify where you fit in the value chain as well as the dynamics of your distribution channels and how you fit in. You should also use this section to be clear about any current customers and revenue channels so you can show you have passed the wallet test.

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